Not Ability, but Availability

God uses surrendered people. He has assigned talents and spiritual gifts to each of His children. That means members of His body are uniquely qualified to do His will – whenever and wherever He calls.

Some of you remember Maggie H. who came to Williamsburg from CEF of Greater Richmond to help with GNC Kickoff in years past. She has since moved into a position with CEF Headquarters to work with volunteers in sensitive countries around the globe. Much of the time she is ministering during our dark hours here in the U.S.

I recently received this note from her and rejoice in how the Lord is using her in a mighty way.

Dear Martha,
In the evening, I logged into Zoom and met with believers living in difficult situations. These past two months I have been training them to evangelize and disciple children in their area and country. We have faced obstacles, but these men and women are determined to follow God’s command to reach the children.

I am so thankful that God uses us to grow His kingdom.Your prayers are sustaining. I am grateful that God gives clarity of mind and words through the night. I count it an honor to serve these new CEF workers who sacrifice much for the sake of the children. They faithfully evangelize children at high risk, and we pray that someday they will have freedom in their country.

Because of security, I cannot see their faces over zoom, but I eagerly look forward to the day when we all kneel before the throne together. Many children will be there because of the CEF family – and you are part of that.

If you would like to stay in touch with Maggie, please let Martha know at and she will send you her email; I know she will value your prayers.

Categories: Testimonial