Does determining whether a child understands the Gospel seem daunting to you? Your child/grandchild is asking questions about how to know if he is ready for heaven, how to tell God he believes Jesus is the Savior. How can you be sure she knows the meaning of Jesus’ death and resurrection?

This leaflet gives questions to ask when counseling a child to help determine the child’s understanding of the Gospel. The questions are divided into the following categories for easy reference: True and Living God, Need of Salvation, Way of Salvation, Believe in Jesus, Child Response and Assurance and Growth. This can be used with the Wordless Book also.

You simply read through the questions with your child, correcting misconceptions from the scripture provided. If you sense he doesn’t quite understand – stop, praise your child for wanting to learn more about Jesus and make a date to talk some more.

Leaflet is 5″x 7″, 4 pages long, including cover. Purchase from, $.65 each for 1-49 items.