FREE Online Children’s Devotions

Are you counting the good things that came out of Covid restrictions? This is one of them: a year of children’s devotions for grades 4-6 on the U-Nite Kids app.

CEF launched their U-Nite Kids app, in 2022 – an app based on the truth of God’s Word!

The absolute best thing about the app is that all 6 of the 60-day “Wonder Devotional Books” for children are available here for free! Clicking on the Bible symbol at the bottom of the app brings up all six books.

Your child can start on Book 1 – Day 1, either reading the devotional or listening to a recording of the text, or both!

For example, the Book 1 – Day 1 title is: Who is God? Day 3 answers the question: Why did God create people?

Did you multiply 6 books x 60 days for a total of 360 days, or devotions for a year?!

Download the app now through the Amazon app store!