We all have suffered worldwide from the COVID19 pandemic. I do not need to describe our hardships, but I can tell you what we have been doing to reach children in the Peninsula chapter and how Child Evangelism Fellowship® (CEF®) International, headquartered in Warrenton, Missouri, has been helping us.

For the children or parents with internet access and email, we have provided information for fun and informative links to CEF International on our CEF of Peninsula’s website which can be found at www.cefpeninsula.com.

Follow the RESOURCES dropdown at the top of the page then checkout “U-NITE Kids” and “UNITE/COVID”. We are providing a Weekly Good News Club® (GNC®), COVID-19 support and homeschool resources, Good News TV, Devotionals and more. At the club level within the Peninsula, we are providing more personal attention.

Each club is handling the pandemic in their own way based on needs and what they are capable of doing, including club and children availability. At Northumberland Elementary School, and many other clubs in the Peninsula chapter, the children are being contacted by small group leaders to chat, provide access to resources and provide comfort. But other clubs are going further.

One club continued the spring GNC with live streaming. In this particular club, all of the students had access to the internet. But each club is doing what they can. Our Christian Youth in Action® (CYIA™) is moving forward.

CYIA is our annual Virginia training camp where we teach teenagers to teach a 5-Day Club®. A 5-Day Club is the same as a GNC during the school year, but it is taught five days in a row in parks, people’s homes, apartment buildings, or wherever children naturally gather. We go to the children with the teens that completed CYIA. We have a clever way to conduct CYIA this year since the campsites are closed.

We have uploaded the morning time with video of worship, devotion, daily sermon of the lessons and lessons to be taught that day on a private channel. The evenings will be spent with the chapter to conduct the personal attention, such as evaluation of what was learned and practicums.

Praise God for what He does for His Glory.

Soli Deo Gloria,
Kevin Mooers
CEF of Peninsula, Chairman