The Lord continues to add Good News Clubs this spring despite new virus strains. Praise Him! Nine GNCs are in contact with their area’s children either in the school, in nearby homes, or in community centers.

You make a difference as you beseech the God of the Harvest to send more workers, to open more schools to club activity, and to empower current GNC teams by His Spirit. You might even feel led to talk to your church about sponsoring a club in your community.

Praying through Carol Smith’s ABCs may spark even more specific intercession for our GNC volunteers. Teaching children is fun, challenging, and can change lives. Thank you for your prayers!

Gospel Workers’ ABC’s
Lord, I ask, for your light to shine through Good News Club workers to…

Acknowledge children need the Lord and have great faith.

Bless each child with gentleness; children are tender.

Calm their hearts and know that you will empower them to share the GOSPEL clearly.

Demonstrate love in thought, word and deed for the child to see Christ in them.

Encourage sharing where everyone in small group has an opportunity to speak.

Follow the teaching examples of Jesus. Children are asking, “Am I loved?”, “Am I safe?”

Grant insight to see each child as God sees them and understand their personal need.

Have fun; it boosts social development.

Identify the brain state, the need behind the behavior. Say, “You look really ____.” Help them.

Just use healthy touch: side hug, tussle head, high 5, symbolic touch/air touch, warm smile.

Keep eye contact with children and encourage them to keep eye contact on the teacher.

Listen & give voice to the child.

Master the lesson and verses being learned in order to help children review and learn.

Name the need: security, water, empathy, emotion, sensory, space, movement = calming.

Obey Rules + *Stick Together (fingers touch), *No Hurts (touch heart), *Have Fun (wave hand)

Practice the power of playfulness which increases attention.

Quiet voices occasionally to attract attention for listening attentively / vary voice at times.

Respond, not react. Remind them of the rules. Recognize those who obey with simple praise.

Stay calm, see the need, meet the need, enable them to care for their need, and don’t quit.

Transition to each segment with expectations given ahead, recognize obedience.

Utilize games to make instructions and compliance interactive.

View your role as a key team player and prayerfully consider cross training.

Wait upon the Lord, pray for the children by name throughout the week + call, visit, or send card.

eXtol God and praise Him for all He has done, is doing, and going to do.

Yearn to be pro-active with physical needs, connection, correcting. Hydration? Movement?

Show Zeal for God with enthusiasm, working as a team in unity, building up one another in love.

Compiled by Carol J. Smith. August 2017
Reviewing some notes from Lee Anne Dickerson, Psy.D., Licensed Clinical Psychologist on “What Am I Going to Do with That Kid?