Many children today do not regularly attend church and have never heard the true meaning of Christmas. Christmas Party Club is one of the Party Club ministries of Child Evangelism Fellowship that presents the Gospel to churched and unchurched children. Christmas Party Clubs include a Gospel-centered Bible lesson, games, a memory verse, songs, and more to teach children around the world about the true story of Christmas.
Children learn about how God can give every child the best gift — salvation. Through a Christmas Party Club, you and your church can work alongside CEF to reach the children in your community with the true story of Christmas this year.

Watch our new video, What is a Christmas Party Club? to learn more.


The faces that cannot be shown clearly are volunteers teaching children about Jesus in sensitive countries at great risk to themselves. Here in the U.S., we have the freedom to share the Love and Hope that Jesus gives – at least for now.

What is God leading you to do this Christmas?

Contact CEF of Peninsula for support and training.

Categories: 5-Day ClubParty Club