The Call is Clear.

Children do not all know the truth about Creation and God’s plan for His Creation.
All children need to know they are God’s Creation and He has a special plan for their lives.
The love of Christ constrains me to share the truth about Creation and that God has a plan for each one.

Children have not all heard that Christ loves them and paid the price for their sin.
All children need to know they are loved by Jesus who died and rose again for all mankind.
The love of Christ constrains me to share Jesus loves us and will save us when we repent of our sin.

Children often find themselves in hopeless hurting situations that can impact them all their lives.
All children need to know they are valuable in God’s sight. He is the healer of broken hearts.
The love of Christ constrains me to be an agent of change by offering His help, healing, and hope.

Children have committed suicide. The U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC) indicates
suicide is the third leading cause of death among children ages 10-24.¹
All children need to know Jesus is their rescuer and He gives them a special reason for living.
The love of Christ constrains me to be His hands and feet to share the Good News of His loving care.

The Call is Clear.
Jesus loves the children, all the children of the world!

Many children in our own neighborhoods and schools as well as our nation and world have yet to hear the truth that God loves them. Do you have a heart like Jesus that feels deep compassion for the children of the world? Do you recognize the need and that God is calling every one of us to do our part!

Do you hear God’s call?
Are you ready and willing to say, “Yes, Lord, I am willing to do my part. Show me how I can make a difference in reaching children with your wonderful awesome love.”

Prayer Warriors are needed!
Prayer is the root of all mission work. Your job is not going before visible men, but directly to the heavenlies to call upon our LORD to raise an army of dedicated workers to share His Good News!

That army of workers will include: Leaders, Administrators, Teachers, Song Leaders, Shepherds, Counselors, Committee Members, Trainers, Financial Supporters, and Fundraisers.

Ask the Lord of the harvest to send forth workers into the harvest field. Will you prayerfully respond?

The love of Christ constrains me. I will do my part to win children for Christ!

¹ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) article “Suicide Among Youth”

By Carol J. Smith, 2019