Give a Party, Make a Difference

Yes, it is January of a new year. This month is a good time to evaluate where we are and to think hard about where we want to be.

A friend used to say that he always wanted to choose a direction for his life that passed the
“So what?” Test. What will you and I do this year to make a difference in the lives of people around you?

How do you want to encourage the children in your life – your grandchildren, children in the neighborhood? The great thing about God’s true Word is that it is never wasted. Perhaps you can get together with a friend to plan a Gospel Party once a quarter (4 x per year!)

This is doable with CEF’s Party Club series, either centered around special holidays or the season of the year. The Party Club text includes a Bible lesson, along with suggested games, songs, snacks, and activity.

All you add is an enthusiastic team of 2-3 adults/teens!


Plan now for your Valentine’s Day or spring Party Club. You may never know how God will use His Word and your love for children to reach one of “the least of these!

Categories: Party Club